Affiliation: Shivaji University, Kolhapur.
As per the Maharashtra Public University Act, 2016 of the State Government and as per the notices and office orders issued by the Shivaji University, Kolhapur, the college has established the Grievance and Redressal Cell. Before the Grievance and Redressal Cell, there was a Grievance and Redressal Committee which was formed at the beginning of every academic year and ensures the representation of all the stakeholders of the institute. As the College Management and the Administration strongly believes in Gandhian Philosophy of Education, they ensure a secular, all-inclusive and secure atmosphere on the campus. Grievance and Redressal Cell conducts a mechanism of grievance redressal of students and prevention of sexual harassment and ragging of students. At the beginning of every academic year a meeting of staff and students were conducted by the Director to make the new students acquainted with the mechanism.
Grievance Redressal Committee objectives
Function of Grievance Redressal Cell:
The functional mechanism of working of Grievance Redressal Cell is as the prescribed by Statutes, prepared in accordance with the provisions of the University Grants Commission (Grievance Redressal) Regulations, 2012 and Maharashtra Public University
Act, 2016 as it came in force. All the rules and regulations prescribed by the competent authority will be followed.
Jurisdiction of Grievance Redressal Cell
a) The complaints regarding the admission and fees
b) The complaints regarding the ragging and sexual harassment (the separate mechanism for these issues is also in force, but in the grave event handed over to the cell)
c) The complaints regarding the academic and administrative processes
d) The complaint against any staff member regarding academic and personal issues
e) The complaints regarding examinations,results andscholarship
Mechanism of Grievance Redressal Cell:
a) The grievances can be filed orally and in a written format to the Director or if the aggrieved student wants to keep his identity secret, he/she can put his complaint through the blind Complaint/Suggestion Box kept outside the Office.
b) The Complaints registered directly to the Director is noted down in a separate complaint lodge book, which is kept in the custody of the Subrident of the office.
c) The Complaint/Suggestion box is opened in the presence of any one member of the Cell and then registered in the complaint lodge book.
d) After the judicious inquiry and statements from both the parties and the teachers and other related persons, the Grievance Cell will assure that the grievance has been properly solved in a stipulated time limit.
e) The complaints that require the attention of the higher authorities and local police station, will be addressed only with their help.
Student Grievance Redressal Committee (SGRC)
Academic Year 2023-24
Sr. No |
Members |
Designation |
1 |
Dr. S.B Wadkar |
Chairman |
2 |
Mr. R. L. Chitnis |
Faculty Member |
3 |
Dr. A. M. Kharat |
Faculty Member |
4 |
Mr. A. S. Patil |
Faculty Member |
5 |
Miss. S. V .Tibe |
Faculty Member |
6 |
Miss. Pranjal T. Teli |
Student Representative |
7 |
Mr. Indrajeet A. Mulik |
Student Representative |
8 |
Mr. S. R. Jadhav |
Non-Teaching Member |